
Smart City - Smart Elevator System


The end user is dedicated to revolutionizing urban travel and enhancing city convenience and intelligence. As more modern buildings are equipped with elevators, occasional failures occur. Therefore, having real-time sensors to monitor elevator status is becoming increasingly crucial.


With the rapid urban development and the growing number of buildings, reliable and stable industrial-grade routers are essential for intelligent elevator systems.

Key Needs for Smart Gaming Machine:

  • Robust Design: Must operate reliably in harsh environments with high humidity and extreme temperature ranges.
  • Enhanced Functionality: Support for Wi-Fi and SMS control.
  • Industrial Interfaces: Ethernet ports and RS485.


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In this application, the NE2203-240 router ensures reliable, low-latency communication over a 4G network and offers high-performance Wi-Fi capabilities in areas with poor network coverage. With multiple interfaces like RS485 and RJ45, the NE2203-240 provides cellular connectivity to remote PLCs and elevators. The system sends messages or emails to central engineers immediately upon detecting a failure.

Solution Advantages:

  • Cost Savings: The Winsonic NE2203-240 enables engineers to monitor real-time machine operations, respond quickly to faults, and plan preventive maintenance, significantly reducing manpower and costs.
  • Reliable Network Communication: The NE2203-240 router provides dependable, low-latency communication between machines and the center. Its dual SIM capabilities offer redundancy by switching between different 4G mobile data carriers.
  • Operation in Harsh Environments: The NE2203-240 router's robust design, with high EMC levels, ensures all equipment remains connected and accessible online for remote visitors, even in challenging conditions.